- Audits reports list missing attendance submissions
- Attendance reports can be sent to parents by SMS (text message)
- Absences are immediately available to parents via the parent portal
- Attendance data can be used in grade and statutory reports
- Customisable attendance statuses and validation
- Handles both in-class attendance taking or administrator-led attendance capture
- Take attendance for both student and staff
Grade Reports
- Reports are highly customisable to meet your requirments.
- Transcripts available in 2 clicks of your mouse
- Historic copy of grade reports are stored as soon as they are created.

Timetable & Resource Management
- Support ‘standard’ 5 days rolling calendars
- Support calendar with arbitary number of days
- Support calendars with ‘reverse’ days
- Import / export to aSc Timetabler
- View timetables per student, teacher, room, class or courses
- Find rooms by availability, equipment and size
- Integrated calender with appointments, assignments and lessons

Privacy, security and uptime. We never compromise on these.